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  • 13:30

    Bridging the Gap: Harnessing AI to Drive Business Growth in Finance

    • How to overcome the challenges of aligning business and engineering on the AI journey 
    • Unlocking the power of process optimization to drive sustainable profitability 
    • Strategies for building a bridge between process and delivery in ai finance 
    • Best practices for implementing ai solutions that deliver real-world results  
  • 13:55

    How to Implement and Scale AI from Innovation Centers to Enterprise-Wide Solutions

    • Identifying the use cases and business problems that are best suited for AI solutions, and how to prioritize them 
    • Developing an AI strategy and roadmap that aligns with the organization's overall business objectives 
    • Building a team and infrastructure to support the implementation and scaling of AI 
    • Addressing the technical and organizational challenges that arise when scaling AI from innovation centres to enterprise-wide solutions, such as data governance and security 
    • Measuring the business impact of AI solutions to key stakeholders and decision-makers, to secure buy-in and funding for further scaling 
  • 14:20
    Jonathan Fry

    The Future of Financial Services - Enabling Competitive Advantage through MLOps

    Jonathan Fry - Head of MLOps - LV=General Insurance

    • How to adopt MLOps in your company and the ML lifecycle 
    • Reducing time on data collection with MLOps 
    • Understand the technical aspects of MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) and its importance in the financial services industry 
    • Learn about the latest MLOps practices and tools such as automated model selection, versioning, deployment, and monitoring 
    • Discover how to use MLOps to improve the development and deployment of machine learning models 
    • Explore the use of MLOps in various financial services applications, such as risk management, fraud detection, and customer service 
  • 14:45

    Unlocking the Power of Natural Language Processing: Transforming Data into Meaning

    • Are you making the most of your NLP programmes? 
    • Different Use Cases of NLP in Financial Services 
    • Learn how to harness the power of NLP to extract valuable insights from unstructured data 
    • Discover new ways to improve the accuracy of predictive models using NLP techniques such as sentiment analysis and topic modelling 
  • 15:10

    Afternoon Tea & Networking in the Exhibition Area


  • 15:40

    Predicting Consumer Financial Behaviour Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

    • Utilizing predictive modelling to analyse historical data and identify patterns that can be used to predict future consumer behaviour 
    • Implementing customer segmentation using AI and ML algorithms to effectively target marketing and sales efforts 
    • Utilizing AI and ML algorithms for fraud detection, identifying unusual or suspicious behaviour 
    • Using AI and ML to assist in risk assessment of loans or investments, analysing creditworthiness and market stability 
  • 16:05

    Delivering Hyper-Personalised Customer Experience at Scale

    • How can we improve user experience and customer service with AI?  
    • Are there any drawbacks to hyper-personalisation? 
    • Capturing the right data to deliver a Hyper-Personalised Customer Experience 
    • Enriching customer behavioural data to add valuable context to customer profiles 
    • Ensure your content is being seen, and that your analytics are providing accurate engagement results 
  • 16:30

    PANEL: Traditional VS AI Advantage


    • What should be prioritised when it comes to changing the traditions in your organization? 
    • Pros and cons of AI vs traditional methods 
    • Convincing the board and higher ups of the value of AI 
    • Is AI worth it, will the benefits of adding AI to your organization outweigh the cost and risks? 
  • 17:00

    Networking Reception in the Exhibition Area

  • 18:00


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  • 08:00

    Coffee & Registration in the Exhibition Area

  • 09:00



  • 09:15

    AI-Powered Self-Service: Transforming the Financial Industry with Virtual Assistants

    • How can you evolve your conversational agents for customer service? 
    • How Self-service allows for quicker resolutions 
    • Discussion of the benefits of using virtual assistants for customer self-service 
    • Best practices for designing and implementing virtual assistants in customer self-service 
    • How to measure the effectiveness of virtual assistants in customer self-service in the financial industry 
  • 09:40

    Chatbots vs Fraud: How AI is Changing the Game

    • Learn about the ways in which chatbots and AI are changing the game in fraud prevention
    • Discover how chatbots can enhance the customer experience by providing 24/7 availability and quick resolution of inquiries and issues
    • Understand how chatbots can assist in detecting and preventing fraud by analysing customer behaviour and identifying suspicious patterns
    • Learn about the benefits of using AI-powered chatbots in fraud prevention, such as reducing costs and becoming more effective over time
  • 10:05

    Improving the Customer Journey with Conversational AI

    • What are the Conversational AI systems that are worth your time? 
    • Would Conversational AI improve your customer’s experience? 
    • Increasing engagement and loyalty with Conversational AI 
  • 10:30

    Mid-Morning Coffee Break in the Exhibition Area


  • 11:00

    Maximizing the Value of Your Data for AI Applications

    • Understand the latest techniques for leveraging your existing data to train and improve AI models 
    • Learn how to use techniques such as feature engineering, feature selection, and data augmentation to improve model performance 
    • Discover how to use pre-training and transfer learning to leverage existing data for new tasks 
    • Explore the use of active learning and human-in-the-loop techniques to optimize the use of limited labelled data 
  • 11:25

    How AI is Changing Underwriting and Claims Processing for Insurance Companies

    • Understand how neural networks can be used to improve predictions and decision-making in underwriting, claims and pricing 
    • Understand the technical aspects of AI techniques such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Computer Vision for underwriting and claims processing 
    • Learn about the latest AI-based underwriting and claims-processing models 
    • Discover how to use AI models for automated underwriting and claims processing 
    • Explore the use of AI-based techniques for fraud detection and claims triage, such as anomaly detection and unsupervised learning 
  • 11:50

    Boosting the Power of RPA using AI and ML Technologies

    • Best practices for organizations looking to implement AI-powered RPA in their operations 
    • Understanding and addressing the challenges and limitations of using AI in RPA such as data privacy and security concerns 
    • How can AI be integrated with RPA for tasks such as fraud detection, loan underwriting, and compliance management? 
    • What are the best practices for implementing AI-powered RPA in financial operations? 
  • 12:15

    AI-Driven Portfolio Optimization for Investment Strategies

    • Learn about the latest AI-based techniques for portfolio optimization and asset allocation 
    • Understand the benefits of using machine learning and deep learning methods for portfolio optimization 
    • Discover how to use techniques such as reinforcement learning, evolutionary algorithms, and Bayesian optimization to improve portfolio performance 
    • Explore the use of AI-driven portfolio optimization in various investment scenarios and market conditions 

  • 12:40